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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

검색 검색 메뉴

KISDI Media Room

  • KISDI Holds the 1st KISDI Open Academy

    • Pub date 2020-06-14
    • Place
    • EVENT_DATE2020.07.13 ~ 07.14
    • File There are no registered files.

The Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI, President Kwon Ho-yeol) held the “1st KISDI Open Academy in 2020” in the conference hall on the 2nd floor of the KISDI building from July 13 to 14.


The KISDI Open Academy was set up to discuss “sustainable high-performance organization” and “horizontal organizational culture and coaching leadership”.


Instructor Yoon Dong-jun, the presenter, previously served as the vice-president of POSCO E&C and president of POSCO Energy, and is currently working as a partner coach at the Coaching Management Institute.


Instructor Yoon explained the need for organization and the direction of organization at the KISDI open academy.


KISDI plans to continue hosting the Open Academy from 2020 onwards in order to respond proactively to economic and social changes and to identify and formulate policies.