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  • KISDI Center Head Lee Ho-yeong Appointed as a Member of the 3rd National Economic Advisory Council of the Moon Jae-in Government

    • Pub date 2020-06-24
    • Place
    • EVENT_DATE2020.06.24
    • File There are no registered files.

Lee Ho-yeong, head of the Center for AI & Social Policy at KISDI, was appointed as a private member of the "3rd National Economic Advisory Council of the Moon Jae-in Government," officially launched on June 24.


The National Economic Advisory Council is an institution established to provide policy advice to the President of Korea on the establishment of important policies for the development of the national economy. (Legal basis for establishment: Article 93 (1) of the Constitution) It is one of three advisory organizations established under the Constitution, along with Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology and the National Unification Advisory Council.


The National Economic Advisory Council consists of and operates as four separate divisions: macroeconomics, welfare economics, innovative economy, and international economy. Center Head Lee Ho-yeong has served as a private commissioner of the Innovative Economy Division, for a term of one year.


The 3rd National Economic Advisory Council is expected to play a major role as a think tank of Korea's economic policy, joined by a large number of experts with experience and skills in such fields as economy, management, labor, and international relations.