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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

검색 검색 메뉴

KISDI Media Room

  • Human Rights Management Proclamation Ceremony at the Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)

    • Pub date 2019-01-03
    • PlaceKISDI
    • EVENT_DATE2019.01.02
    • File There are no registered files.

On January 2, KISDI held its human rights management proclamation ceremony with all of its employees in attendance.

Human Rights Management Proclamation by the Korea Information Society Development Institute

As an ICT policy research institute that is also a leader of the intelligent information society, we promise to contribute to the development of the national economy while protecting the human rights of all stakeholders from employees to related organizations and partner companies.

For this purpose, we support the articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea related to human rights and international covenants on human rights. We have established the following human rights management proclamation as the principles of behavior and value judgement that all employees must follow, and we promise to do our best to implement and promote human rights management.

One, we respect and support international and domestic norms that support the values of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
One, when recruiting people we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, physical condition, gender, place of birth, or political opinion.
One, we prohibit forced and child labor in any form and comply with international and domestic labor principles on health, safety, and working hours.
One, we respect and protect the human rights of our citizens in our research activities.
One, we provide a safe and hygienic working environment in which industrial safety and individual rights to good health are guaranteed.
One, we protect the customer information collected during our business operations, engage in transparent and fair trading with our partner companies, and urge our partner companies to practice human rights management.
One, we prevent acts or behaviors that infringe human rights, provide fast and suitable relief for the victims of infringements, and continuously practice human rights management.

January 2, 2018

Employees of the Korea Information Society Development Institute