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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

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  • Researcher Kang Ha-yun Advances to Co-chair of the APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG)

    • Pub date 2024-09-23
    • File There are no registered files.
"Establishing a platform to lead discussions on ICT and digital cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region"

The Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI) announced that Researcher Kang Ha-yun was elected as a co-chair at the 69th APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG) meeting held in Mexico City from September 8 to 13. Kang Ha-yun will co-chair alongside Clare Spring of the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, with a term lasting two years until 2026, during which she will preside over four meetings. Kang Ha-yun has received support from member countries based on her experience and expertise in digital trade, ICT, and multilateral digital cooperation strategies. She also currently serves as the vice-chair of the OECD AI Governance Expert Group (AIGO).

Formed in 1990, APEC TELWG meets biannually to lead discussions on ICT policies and regulations within APEC, including the development of regional ICT infrastructure and services, bridging the digital divide, and ICT security, and contributes to strengthening regional digital cooperation through implementing the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap. Particularly, as Korea will serve as the APEC chair in 2025, it plans to host the TELWG regular meetings and a digital ministers' meeting, expected to create new momentum for regional digital cooperation in response to rapidly advancing technology and changes in the digital environment.

KISDI expressed that "this chairmanship will play a crucial role in leading discussions on ICT and digital cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and supporting the successful hosting of the digital ministers meeting."