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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

검색 검색 메뉴


  • Publication of "Analysis of Content Utilization Behavior of Major SVOD Services" Report

    • Pub date 2024-01-16
    • File There are no registered files.
The Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI, President Bae Kyoung-Yul) has published a report titled "Analysis of Content Utilization Behavior of Major SVOD Services" (KISDI OTT Report 23-01), analyzing the detailed usage of paid OTT services and content in Korea.

The report (author: associate researcher Kim Ho-Jung) analyzed data on content utilization behavior for Korea's five major paid OTT services (Netflix, Disney+, Wavve, Tving, and Watcha), examining ▲the scale and share of viewing time for content on each SVOD service, ▲content characteristics such as (1) originality, (2) production country, and (3) genre, and ▲the distribution and characteristics of popular content (originality, production country, genre by service).

Furthermore, based on the analysis results, the report discusses ▲the role and importance of original content in the competitive OTT market, ▲strategies of OTT providers related to non-original content supply, and ▲expected effects of corporate mergers among domestic SVOD services.