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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

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KISDI Media Room

  • 2024 International Conference on Inter-Korean Broadcasting & Communications

    • Pub date 2024-11-07
    • PlaceConference Hall, 6th Fl., Hanyang Institute of Technology, Hanyang University
    • EVENT_DATE2024-11-07
    • File There are no registered files.
✅ Title: 2024 International Conference on Inter-Korean Broadcasting & Communications
✅ Time/Date: 14:00-17:30, Thursday, November 7, 2024
✅ Venue: Conference Hall, 6th Fl., Hanyang Institute of Technology, Hanyang University

The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu) and KISDI co-hosted the 2024 International Conference on Inter-Korean Broadcasting & Communications at 2 p.m., Thursday, November 7, 2024 at the Hanyang Institute of Technology, Hanyang University.

The KCC has held the international event each year since 2015 as part of an effort to build a consensus on, and raise awareness of, the need to promote peace on the Korean peninsula.

Under the theme of “Forward-Looking Cooperation in Broadcasting Amid Changing Inter-Korean Relations, the panel discussed the outlook for the media environment on the Korean peninsula in the era of digital platforms, and a desirable direction for the policy on inter-Korean exchanges.

The conference consisted of two sessions and a wrap-up discussion.

During Session 1, Mo Chun-heung, a professor at Hanyang University, spoke about “Changes in North Korea’s policy toward South Korea and Media Propaganda,” while Martin Williams, a senior researcher at the Stimson Center (U.S.), analyzed the sports programs and sports media environment of North Korea, which was followed by a discussion on inter-Korean broadcasting cooperation with a focus on cases of sports event broadcasting rights.

During Session 2, Ha Seung-hee, a professor at Dongkuk University, discussed “North Korea’s Changing Strategy on Media Propaganda in the Era of Digital Platforms and Our Responses”. Professor Ha was followed by Assistant Professor Choi Sun-gyeong of the Soongsil Institute for Peace and Unification, who analyzed the advances in mobile phone technology and the subsequent uses of mobile applications, raised the implications for inter-Korean relations, and presented his suggestions for forward-looking cooperation.

In the concluding wrap-up discussion, the speakers and panelists shared their opinions on the “Policy Direction for Inter-Korean Exchanges in Broadcasting”. The discussion was led by Hong Yong-pyo, professor of Hangyang University and joined by Youn Hae-sook, a researcher (KBS Inter-Korean Broadcast Cooperation, KBS), Jang Hyeok, former researcher (Research Institute under Ministry of Science and Education, DPRK), and the speakers.

The speakers of the KCC emphasized that broadcasting and communications is a powerful tool for promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between the two Koreas, as well as an effective means of facilitating information sharing, and that the conference would provide a fresh opportunity to shed new light on the role of broadcasting and communications in the context of inter-Korean relations and to further explore ways for inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation in the future.