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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

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  • World Women's Forum 2007

    • Pub date 2007-09-05
    • File There are no registered files.

World Women's Forum

September 12-14, 2007
Sheraton Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea
Main Theme: Defining Leadership and Success

TRACK I : Global Issues Facing Women

Session Titles :

  1. Global Challenges and Woman Leadership
- Global Challenges and Countermeasures
- Key Barriers to Creative Problem Solving
- Realities of Woman Leadership
- Ways of Improving Women's Access to Credit
- Partnership between GOs and NGOs

2. Good Governance for Women's Empowerment
- Future-Oriented Gender Equality System
- How to Build Good Governance
- Empowerment Measures

3. Women as Catalysts for Peace and Stability
- Women's Peace-Building Activities on the Planet
- Economic Securities and Social Rights
- Conditions to Nurture Woman Peacemakers
- Voices from Woman Leaders in Conflict Areas
- Ideas for Conflict Prevention and Resolution

4. Women in Politics
- Women's Access to Political Arena
- Ideal Vs Reality in Woman Politics
- Sustainable Political Activities

TRACK II : Leadership to Enhance Corporate Performance

Session Titles :

  1. Empowerment through Entrepreneurship
- Latest Trends in Labor Market
- Socio-Economic Setting to Improve Woman Entrepreneurship
- Lessons from Management Experience

2. Women in Business Leadership
- Best Practices to Make Woman-friendly Workplace
- Lessons for Policy Implementation
- In-house Education and Communications
- Relations between Diversity and Business Performance
- Issues of Reverse Discrimination
- Balancing between Work and Family
- Government Support to Expand Women's Employment

3. Women Leadership for Community Development
- Examples of Community Development
- Conditions for Sustainability
- Empowering Women in Africa and Middle East

TRACK III :Women Prosumers to Move Global Economy

Session Titles :

  1. Corporate Challenges in Recruiting and Retaining Talented Women
- New Trends in War for Talent
- How to Recruit and Retain Skilled Women
- Employment Policies Aligned With Marketing Strategies

2. Women and Information Technology
- Impacts of IT Development on Women
- Women's Role in IT-driven Society
- Prospects of Mobile Economy and Implications for Women

3. Women's Voices in Media
- Woman Consumers in Media Industry
- Media Influencing Women's Lifestyle
- New Consuming Trends in Web 2.0 Environment

4. Knowledge Revolution and Women
- Women's role in knowledge creation
- Challenges to university management

TRACK IV : Self-Management and Career Development

Session Titles :

  1. Pathway to a Global Career
- Access to Global Job Market
- What Happens in Global Working Environment
- New Employment Trends in International Organizations
- Career Planning and Self-Development Strategy

2. "F.U.N"-Funny, Unique, Nurturing - Achieve Global Success
- Applications of F.U.N. Approaches for Working
- Living and Winning in Different Culture
- Effective Ways of Speaking
- Start-up of Your Own Venture
- Definition of Global Success

3. Tips for Effective Time Management
- Power of Time Management
- Effective Time Spending
- Tips for Optimal Record Keeping
- Applications in Working Field

4. Authentic Leadership and East Asian Values
- Definition of Servant Leadership
- True Leadership in Multicultural Society
- Lessons for Young Professionals

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