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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

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  • 2003 KISDI International Conference:

    • Pub date 2003-12-09
    • File There are no registered files.

December 4, 2003 (Thursday)



Opening Address
Opening Address
Dr. John H. Lee
President, KISDI

Welcome Address
Dr. Suk-nam Moon
Chairman, KCESRI

Dr. Bongho Lee
Professor, Seoul Women's University
President, KATP

13:50-14:10 Break
14:10-14:40 Keynote Speec

Regulatory Policy in an era of Convergence
Mr. Peter Scott
Head of Unit - Regulatory Framework,
European Commission

14:40-15:40 Session 1

Chair: Dr. Bongho Lee
Professor, Seoul Women's University

1. Paradigm Shift - Toward Broadband and the IP Age -
Mr. Eiji Makiguchi, Director, MPHPT, Japan

2. A user view of Convergence
Mr. Ewan Sutherland, Executive Director,

3. Bundling and Regulation in Korean Telecommunication Industries
Dr. SangTaek Kim, Professor, Ehwa Womans University

15:40- 16:00 Break
16:00- 16:40 Session 2

Chair: Dr. Doohyun Hwang
Professor, Hongik University

1. Regulatory Challenge in an era of Convergence
Mr. Kiran Duwadi,
Senior Economist, FCC

2. Fixed-Mobile Substitution and Regulatory Impact in Convergence Environments
Dr. JongHwa Lee,
Research Fellow, KISDI

16:40- Panel Discussion

Mr. Robert Shaw, Internet Strategy and Policy
Advisor, Office of the Secretary-General, ITU
Dr. Dong-Ju Kim, Professor, Korea University,
Mr. Wonki Min, OECD TISP Chair/Director, MIC
Dr. Sang Seung Yi, Professor, Seoul National
All speakers